Wednesday, January 20, 2010

Public speaking and presentation skills are critical to the high tech executive. Even the most well-written material will be ineffective if not presented in an entertaining and engaging manner. Your convincing pitch will not reach the ears of your potential clients if you mumble unenthusiastically. Your employees will daydream through your discussion of the company’s goals if you do not maintain eye contact. No matter how interested we are in our own speech, unless we engage the same amount of interest from the audience our speech has failed.

Public speaking skills do not always come naturally. Successful speakers are not created overnight, nor are they merely “talented.” Like any skilled or specialized professional, they learn through training and practice.

If you have ever heard your voice on an answering machine, you have noticed how different we sound to others. In addition, each of us has nervous habits that are obvious to a trained professional but initially undetectable to ourselves.

  • Do we punctuate every sentence with “um, ah” or “you know?”
  • Does our voice sound monotone and devoid of emotion?

Contact Allison for a series of sessions that will have a direct positive impact on your presentations and maximize your speaking potential. Email her today at or visit her website at:

Private Coaching

There are basic steps you can take to develop public speaking and presentation skills, and there are specific actions that can make you an outstanding speaker. Allison will teach you these steps and help you implement them to the point that they will become natural. Practicing with a coach is an invaluable experience, as you receive instantaneous feedback along with techniques that will reduce your nervousness and make you confident speaking to any audience.

As an experienced public speaking consultant, Allison works one-on-one with clients who give speeches or presentations, from a 30-second toast to a 30-minute lecture with PowerPoint. As a speechwriter, she assists clients with the content of their speech, ensuring that the text is relevant, to the point and appropriately written in the language of their target audience. She is also available to write speeches.

Group Workshops

Sometimes we improve our public speaking skills by watching others. Workshops are a useful way to learn not only from Allison's experience but from everyone else involved. Allison's in-depth workshops include a presentation on public speaking followed by intensive personalized work with each person in attendance, one at a time, to ensure that all participants can listen. As each person gives a brief prepared speech, Allison's feedback and suggested techniques are relevant to everyone.

Workshops are an outstanding way to train your employees in basic public speaking skills and ensure that your company’s messages are being effectively portrayed to your potential clients

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